Oklahoma Climatological Survey

The Chicago Floods of July 18, 1996

Event Summary 

On July 18th, 1996, the combination of a number of atmospheric features created extensive flooding in northern Illinois. Copious amounts of moisture from the Gulf of Mexico and from vegetation helped to fuel storms that produced over 12 inches of rain within 24 hours and caused over $600 million in damages. The flooding was blamed for 8 deaths.

  • To examine and better understand the atmospheric response to strong, large-scale forcing in an unstable environment.
  • To examine and better understand how the mesoscale helped enhance the atmospheric forcing and instability that occurred on this date.
  • To understand the effects of evapotransporation on the atmosphere.
Lifted Index 
Low Level Jet 
Outflow Boundary 
Event Data
Event Exercise
Click on "Event Data" for a new window with the information needed for the exercise.
Reference Material 
Outflow Boundary

OK-FIRST Project, Oklahoma Climatological Survey, 100 East Boyd, Suite 1210, Norman, OK 73019.
Copyright © 1996-2005 Oklahoma Climatological Survey. All Rights Reserved.
Send comments or questions concerning OK-FIRST to okfirst@mesonet.org.