Oklahoma Climatological Survey


Atmospheric Forces





Wind speed and direction respond to pressure gradient forces that exist between high and low pressure areas. In the Northern Hemisphere and because of the rotation of the earth, winds circulate in a clockwise fashion around areas of high pressure and in a counter-clockwise manner around regions of lower pressure. Air pressure decreases relatively slowly with height in regions dominated by warm air and relatively rapidly with height in areas where cold air prevails. As a result, wind patterns in the upper atmosphere tend to flow in an oscillating manner around major pockets of warm and cold air.



Forces That Create or Act Upon the Wind

  • Wind results from physical forces that act on the air.

    A force is an influence on a body which causes the body to accelerate (change speed or direction). Newton's First Law of Motion states that a body at rest will remain at rest, and a body in motion will remain in motion unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. If forces balance (no net force), then we have either no motion or uniform motion in a straight line.

  • Differences in air pressure (called a pressure gradient) lead to air motion.

    Air "parcels" will try to move from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. In addition, colder temperatures near the poles generally are associated with higher pressures than warmer temperatures near the equator. Thus, unequal solar heating of the earth directly causes large-scale winds, called the jet stream.

  • The larger the difference in air pressure, the stronger the winds.

    Newton's 2nd Law of Motion states that the acceleration (rate of change of velocity) of a body is directly proportional to the net force upon the body, or F = ma, where F = force, m = mass, and a = acceleration.

  • The primary forces that cause large-scale motion in the atmosphere are as follows:
    • Gravitational force- keeps the molecules in the atmosphere from moving into space. Gravity's influence is stronger near the earth's surface and weaker aloft.
    • Vertical pressure gradient force- closely balances gravity so that all the molecules in the atmosphere are not forced into the lowest meter above the ground. The vertical pressure gradient force results from molecules in the high pressure near the earth's surface trying to move upward where the pressure is lower.
    • Horizontal pressure gradient force- results from the high and low pressure systems (highs, lows, troughs and ridges) in the atmosphere. Air will tend to move from high pressure to low pressure.
    • Coriolis force- the force that results from Earth's rotation.
    • Friction- the drag exerted on the air by the earth's surface (e.g., plants, trees, buildings, mountains, etc.).
    • Centrifugal force- the tendency for a body to resist a change in direction.



Pressure Gradient Force

  • Horizontal pressure gradient force- results from the high and low pressure systems (highs, lows, troughs and ridges) in the atmosphere. Air tends to move air from regions of high pressure to regions of low pressure.

    "Gradient" refers to how rapidly a quantity (such as pressure or temperature) changes in a given distance. It can be thought of as measure of "steepness", like the topography on a contour plot.

  • The larger the gradient, the stronger the wind.

    Strong winds are found in areas of tightly packed isobars. In general, the closer the isobars are to one another on a weather map, the greater is the pressure gradient force (be careful to look at the intervals!).




  • Friction- the drag on the air by the earth's surface (e.g., plants, trees, buildings, mountains, etc.).

    Friction always acts opposite to air motion and, hence, reduces wind speed. Its greatest effect is near the earth's surface and rapidly decreases with height (within lowest 1 km).



Coriolis Force

  • Coriolis force- the force that results from Earth's rotation.

    The Coriolis force solely results from living on a rotating object -- Earth. It acts only on objects moving with respect to the earth's surface (e.g., the air, planes, birds, missiles, etc.). It is only significant over long distances (e.g., hundreds or thousands of miles) and long time spans (e.g., 12 hours or longer). Hence, tornadoes are not influenced by the Coriolis force. Neither is the water draining in your sink.


    Example of the Coriolis force: Suppose Mark and Jane are on a merry-go-round rotating counterclockwise (when viewed from above). Mark throws a ball directly to Jane. Mark misses. Why? But Jane rotated away from the straight-line path of the ball while the ball was in the air. However, to Mark, it looks like the ball curved to the right.


    Think of the earth as the merry-go-round when looked at from above the North Pole, or below the South Pole. From those vantage points, Earth is rotating counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. To someone on the earth, air blowing in a straight line seems to blow to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere.

  • The Coriolis force always will deflect objects to the right in the Northern Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern Hemisphere.


  • The Coriolis force will never change the speed of an object, only its direction.


  • Air currents, which exist as a response to pressure forces, are "deflected" by the rotation of the earth.

    If Earth did not rotate, air currents would flow directly from areas of high pressure to areas of low pressure. However, because Earth does rotate, air currents ultimately become involved in a tug-of-war between pressure gradient forces and the Coriolis force. The result is that air circulates counterclockwise around areas of low pressure in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise around areas of high pressure.



Centrifugal Force

  • Centrifugal force- the tendency for a body to resist a change in direction.

    If we have a ball tied to a string and throw it around in a circle at a constant speed, we feel a "force" pulling the ball outward. This is the centrifugal force. It is the same force that makes you lean to the right when a car makes a left turn, or the force that you feel riding a roller coaster.

  • The centrifugal force will try to pull air parcels outward if they are moving in a curved path around a ridge or a trough.


  • The magnitude of the centrifugal force is related to both the speed of the air parcel and the radius of curvature (how tightly it goes around the curve).



OK-FIRST Project, Oklahoma Climatological Survey, 100 East Boyd Street, Suite 1210, Norman, OK 73019.
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